Regular Faculty & Librarians: Support your precariously-employed colleagues

(Originally delivered as an email from WLUFA President, Michele Kramer, to Regular Faculty and Librarians on December 21, 2016.) Late last week, Members received an update on the negotiations for a new Contract Faculty and Part-time Librarian Collective Agreement from the CF Negotiating Team.  As indicated, our first day in conciliation didn’t produce much hope […]

Open letter from WLUFA opposing the library cuts at University of Ottawa

Posted on behalf of Michele Kramer, WLUFA President. Mr. Jacques Frémont President, University of Ottawa President’s Office Tabaret Hall 550 Cumberland, room 212 Ottawa, Ontario November 24, 2016 Dear Mr. Frémont, I write to you as a concerned citizen of the University of Ottawa community. I am distressed at the news of the proposed cuts […]

Laurier admin has filed for conciliation and WLUFA’s letter to other associations

(Posted on behalf of Michele Kramer, WLUFA President.) Dear Colleagues, The message below has been circulated to faculty associations across the country. It offers an overview of the state of our current Contract Faculty negotiations and the issues that are keeping the Parties apart at the table. Please note that, since this message was sent […]

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