On June 25th WLUFA released a statement on the ongoing confirmation of unmarked graves at Residential Schools. In this statement we recognized the need to move beyond statement making and building a resources page for our members to keep informed, support initiatives, and support Indigenous led and created news sources, as well as providing suggested actions including donation pages.
Indigenous Led and Created News: | Important Resources and Further Reading: | Important Causes to Donate to: |
APTN News https://www.aptnnews.ca CBC Indigenous https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous First Nations Drum http://www.firstnationsdrum.com Turtle Island News https://theturtleislandnews.com Windspeaker https://windspeaker.com Anishnabek News https://anishinabeknews.ca IndigiNews: https://indiginews.com Ku’ku’kwes News http://kukukwes.com Two Row Times https://tworowtimes.com Wawatay News https://www.wawataynews.ca Âpihtawikosisân https://apihtawikosisan.com Eagle Feather News https://www.eaglefeathernews.com The Eastern Door https://www.easterndoor.com Muskrat Magazine http://muskratmagazine.com CBC Radio Unreserved https://www.cbc.ca/radio/unreserved | Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report: http://www.trc.ca/about-us/trc-findings.html Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action: http://trc.ca/assets/pdf/Calls_to_Action_English2.pdf Indigenizing at Laurier http://wlu.ca/about/discover-laurier/indigenization/index.html Laurier Student PIRG’s Know the Land Campaign on Land Acknowledgements and moving beyond Land Acknowledgements: KNOW THE LAND — Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group (lspirg.org) CAUT policy on Indigenizing the Academy: https://www.caut.ca/about-us/caut-policy/lists/caut-policy-statements/indigenizing-the-academy Tuck & Yang: Decolonization is not a Metaphor https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/view/18630/15554 Indigenization through Collective Bargaining: https://academicmatters.ca/indigenization-through-collective-bargaining-lessons-and-ideas-for-academic-staff-associations/ Pete: 100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses https://www.coastmountaincollege.ca/docs/default-source/about/colt/indigenization/indigenize_curriculum.pdf | Save the Evidence Campaign: Works to restore the former Mohawk Institute Residential School into a historic site and educational resource. https://woodlandculturalcentre.ca/the-campaign/ Residential Schools Survivors Society: https://www.irsss.ca/home 1492 LandBack Lane: https://ca.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-1492-land-back-lane The Caring Society: https://fncaringsociety.com/donate |