5.1 The affairs of the Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee, hereinafter known as the Executive. This Committee shall be composed of the President, immediate Past-President, and nine (9) additional members. When possible, as specified in Article 9, the Executive shall contain at least one member primarily employed at Laurier Brantford (as determined by the Nominations and Elections Committee) and at least three members from each of the two bargaining units represented by the Association (as determined by the Nominations and Elections Committee).
5.2 Meetings of the Executive shall be held at the call of the President, at least once a month. At such meetings attendance of more than fifty percent of the Executive shall constitute a quorum.
5.3 The Executive shall:
5.3.1 represent the Association in its relations with the University authorities;
5.3.2 decide upon any question regarding the status of a member;
5.3.3 form and appoint the members to ad hoc committees whenever necessary;
5.3.4 prepare and circulate the agenda of meetings of the Association;
5.3.5 provide an Annual Report presenting the activities of the Association and distribute that Annual Report to the members;
5.3.6 designate the signing officers of the Association;
5.3.7 propose with notice to the members annual membership fees and, when
needed, special levies;
5.3.8 provide for an annual independent examination of the financial accounts
of the Association with the report of the auditors to be distributed to the members;
5.3.9 appoint annually the Grievance Officers.
5.3.10 determine, from time to time, the manner of delivery (whether by mail, email or otherwise) of any notices, reports and agendas issued under the
Constitution, save as otherwise expressly provided for herein.
5.4 The Executive Committee shall be subject to the will of the Association as expressed at meetings of the Association.