13.3.3 By September 30 of the second year of a Provisional Appointment, a Member may request a one-year extension of the Provisional Appointment. This request shall be made in writing, with a statement of reasons for the extension, to the Dean, copied to the chair of the relevant Appointment and Promotion Committee. By November 1, the Dean shall inform the Member in writing, copied to the Vice-President: Academic and to the chair of the relevant Appointment and Promotion Committee, whether the request for the extension of the appointment has been granted. Such a request shall not be unreasonably denied. If the request is denied, the Dean shall provide the Member with a written statement of reasons. If the extension is granted, the Dean shall notify the Member of the date and procedures for application for a Candidacy Appointment, pursuant to 13.3.1, by September 15 of the third year of the Provisional Appointment.