WLUFA Liaisons – Waterloo Campus

Dear Waterloo-campus colleagues,  We would like to inform you that Kimberly Ellis-Hale and Fang Wang continue to serve as your WLUFA liaisons in the 2020-1 academic year. Our contacts are: Kimberly Ellis-Hale (Contract Faculty Liaison Waterloo): [email protected] Fang Wang (Full-Time Liaison Waterloo): [email protected] We are committed to advocate for your needs and concerns.  Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments, or […]

CF Special Payment for Fall 2020

Greetings! You recently received an announcement about a special payment of $1000 for Contract Faculty who are teaching remotely in Fall term and who enroll in the Course (Re)design Modules offered by Teaching and Learning Services. WLUFA was able to obtain clarification from the Administration that: ·       The Administration will accept completion of either the Course […]

CAUT Statement on National Indigenous Peoples Day / Déclaration de l’ACPPU à l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones

This year, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) marks National Indigenous Peoples Day as five years have passed since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) issued its landmark report. The report documents pressing issues facing Indigenous peoples that still require attention, and the anniversary of its release is underscored by a global campaign against racism, […]

Professional Development Fund

WLUFA would like to draw your attention to the Professional Development Fund for Contract Faculty under Article 28.8 of the Collective Agreement. 28.8.1 Effective September 1 and February 1 of each contract year, a fund of $30,000 shall be made available to assist CTF and Librarian Members with the cost of scholarship, research, pedagogical development and […]

United Way COVID-19 Emergency Fund

The Executive Committee voted to make a donation to the United Way COVID-19 Emergency Fund.  A donation of $500.00 has been donated to each of the Waterloo and Brantford Chapters. Should you wish to make your own donation the links are below! Waterloo – http://www.uwaywrc.ca/communityresponsefund/ Brantford – https://www.brantunitedway.org/emergency-community-support-fun

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