OCUFA Election Resources

Good morning all,   With only a few days left before the election, I wanted to send around links to all of the election resources that OCUFA has put together in case you missed them when they were first posted.   I encourage you to distribute this information to your members, along with a reminder […]

OCUFA Election webpage now live!

Good morning all,   The OCUFA election webpage is now live. You can access it at www.ocufa.on.ca/ontario-election-2014   The page currently includes a “take action” feature, that allows you to send an email to your local candidates and the party leaders urging them to make higher education a priority.   Under the resources tab, there […]

OCUFA 50th anniversary

Dear Colleagues: In celebration of its 50th anniversary this year, OCUFA has planned a number of initiatives. The first will be a history of OCUFA, highlighted in two ways: through a portable exhibit, and an interactive section of our website. Both components will be ready for unveiling at the October 24, 2014 OCUFA conference, “Faculty […]

New research report on “faculty productivity”

Dear colleagues; As you know, yesterday HEQCO released a new research report on “faculty productivity.”  The paper is, frankly, awful, and we have published a response in the Globe and Mail. It can be read here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/professors-teaching-less-thats-measuring-the-wrong-thing/article17465987/ Kate Lawson has also been quoted in several stories on this issue, including in the Toronto Star (http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/03/11/ontario_professors_should_have_to_teach_more_courses_reports_say.html) […]

SMA Agreement Templates 2014

Dear Colleagues: OCUFA has obtained a copy of the Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) template: SMA Agreement Templates 2014 that will be used by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) to structure their agreement with your university administration. As it currently stands, the SMA will be used to make decisions about future program approvals, […]

OCUFA Service Award

Dear Colleagues: The OCUFA Service Award was established three years ago to honour individuals who have done, or continue to do, exceptional work on behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and its Members. Up to six awards may be given each year and are presented during OCUFA’s Annual General Meeting,  which will […]

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