New OCUFA Research Report – The Decline of Quality at Ontario Universities Shortchanging a Generation

Dear Colleagues; Today, OCUFA released new research report titled The Decline of Quality at Ontario Universities: Shortchanging a Generation. The paper, part of our ongoing Trends in Higher Education series, contrasts the student experience today with that of the 1960s and finds that students are paying more money for a diminished quality of education. The […]

Ontario Budget and Pension Reform

The Ontario budget contained an update on the actions that the Liberal government has taken over the last few years to strengthen pension plans registered in Ontario, and lays out a general blueprint for pension reform in the upcoming year.  This section of the budget has implications for the recently released report on pension by […]

The Public Sector Compensation Restraint to Protect Public Services Act, 2010

The Ontario budget brought down by the Liberal government yesterday afternoon introduces a new piece of legislation aimed at restraining compensation increases for MPP’s, the Ontario Public Service, and transfer partners in the broader public sector, for a period of two years.  The legislation will cover Ontario’s universities, and will have an impact on collective […]

OCUFA responds to 2010 Ontario Budget

Dear Colleagues; OCUFA has responded to the 2010 Ontario Budget. The press release is available here: Full text of the release is available attached to this message. We will be conducting a thorough analysis of the budget and distributing this to our members over the coming days. We will also be providing detailed information […]

OCUFA Faculty and Academic Librarian Survey

Dear members: I am writing to invite you to respond to a new questionnaire that is being sent to faculty and librarians across Ontario by the Ontario Confederation of Faculty Associations (OCUFA). Last year, over 2,000 participants completed OCUFA’s first questionnaire. The high response rate provided a very valuable resource informing OCUFA’s advocacy with government, […]

OCUFA Press Release – Speech from the Throne

Dear Colleague; This afternoon, the Government of Ontario presented its 2010 Speech from the Throne. Complete text can be found at: Below, please find the OCUFA press release regarding the speech. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Best Regards, Graeme Graeme Stewart Communication and Government Relations Manager […]

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