Harry Crowe Foundation Conference – Academic Freedom in the Managed University: Conflict, Controversy, and Control – February 26-27, 2016 – Toronto

Memorandum Date: September 16, 2015 To: Directors, Harry Crowe Foundation Presidents and Administrative Officers Local, Provincial and Federated Associations From: David C. Johnson, President Re: Academic Freedom in the Managed University: Conflict, Controversy, and Control   Academic freedom has always faced threats from powerful interests outside the university. Today, developments within our campuses are increasingly […]

Events in Waterloo and Hamilton Today

Dear Colleagues, This is a bit last minute, I know, but we’ve just heard through OCUFA that there will be a “$15 and Fairness” event uptown Waterloo today at lunch. This campaign should be seen as one part of a growing movement for awareness around low-income and precariously employed workers in Ontario and nation-wide. While […]

INVITATION TO ATTEND: Gender Based Violence on Campus: A Brief Introduction and Discussion Session on Laurier’s Initiatives and Resources April 21, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Gender Based Violence on Campus: An Information and Discussion Session on Laurier’s Initiatives & Resources  ​   When:  Tuesday April 21, 12 noon- 1:30 pm. Where:  Paul Martin Centre This event is free of charge and open to everyone.    Please reserve a free “ticket” by clicking here for this event to allow us to plan appropriately […]

Colloquium Invitation: Dr. Donna Lero Discusses Work Life Balance– April 13, 3 pm

Please join us on Monday, April 13 at 3pm for a Women’s Faculty Colleague-sponsored event   Location: Paul Martin Centre   Research Presentation and Discussion with:   DR. DONNA S. LERO, PH.D Professor and Jarislowsky Chair in Families and Work University of Guelph   Topic: Negotiating Care and Work – From Parenting to Elder Care and In […]

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