Call for Nominations for Bernice Schrank Award / Appel de candidatures pour le Prix Bernice-Schrank

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 16:35   Date:  December 8, 2016   To:  Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Federated and Provincial Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  Call for Nominations for Bernice Schrank Award CAUT is soliciting nominations for the Bernice Schrank Award. The Award was established in 2013 […]

CAUT Facts and Figures (September 2016) / Faits et chiffres de l’ACPPU (septembre 2016)

September / septembre 2016     The latest issue of CAUT’s Facts and Figures is attached and available on-line in the member’s only section of the CAUT website. This edition reviews key economic indicators affecting collective bargaining, including general and labour market trends and cost of living amounts. As well, it highlights recent settlements negotiated […]

CAUT New Activists Workshop – November 24, 2016 / Atelier de l’ACPPU pour les nouveaux militants – 24 novembre 2016

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 16:23   Date: September 20, 2016   To: Presidents and Administrative Officers – Local and Federated Associations   From: David Robinson, Executive Director   Re: CAUT New Activists Workshop — November 24, 2016     The recruitment and retention of members into active volunteer service is an […]

Fair Employment Week: Let’s make it fair! – October 24-28, 2016 / Semaine de l’équité en matière d’emploi : Justice pour tous ! – 24 au 28 octobre 2016

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 16:21   Date: September 9, 2016   To: Presidents and Administrative Officers — Local and Federated Associations   From: David Robinson, Executive Director   Re: Fair Employment Week: Let’s make it fair! — October 24–28, 2016         As a new academic year begins on […]

Release of Faculty Salary Data 2014-2015 / Diffusion des données salariales de 2014-2015

Memorandum 16:17   Date:  September 2, 2016   To:    Presidents and Administrative Officers , Local, Federated and Provincial Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  Release of University Academic Staff Salary Data, Final 2014-2015 (Salaries by Sex, Rank and Age)   Academic staff salary data from the National Faculty Data Pool are […]

Update of University Foot Patrol Information / Information à jour sur les patrouilles pédestres des universités

Memorandum 16:16   Date:  August 26, 2016   To:  Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local and Federated Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  Academic Staff Association Joint Health & Safety Committee Members; Academic Staff Association Health & Safety Training; Update of University Foot Patrol Information       Update of JHSC Members CAUT […]

Call for nominations / Appel à nominations

Member unions and trustees,‎   Arising from the Defence Fund By-law, the two year term of the President of the Fund will lapse at the end of the Board of Trustees meeting in October 2016. Technically there is NOT a vacancy in the position as the current President continues to serve. This is a call […]

Mil Rate Survey 2016 / Enquête sur les taux au mille 2016

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 16:15   Date: June 9, 2016   To: Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Provincial and Federated Associations   From: Chantal Vallerand, Director of Operations   Re: Mil Rate Survey 2016         Each year CAUT prepares a survey of mil rates charged by member associations […]

Book Reviews for CAUT Bulletin

  The Bulletin Editorial Board is looking for collaborators for its Book Review column.   Book reviews are typically about 600 words. Timelines for submitting a review will be communicated with those expressing interest.   If you are interested, please send an email as soon as possible to Valérie Dufour ([email protected]).     ———————————-   […]

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