Our campaign to stop Bill 18

Greetings All: Our campaign to stop Bill 18 has received tremendous support over the last two days.  By 10:00 am today our Facebook campaign has sent over 1,000 letters to Minister Yamamoto urging her not to pass the offensive legislation that her government has tabled.  Bill 18 will restrict the rights of local faculty association […]

Library and Archives Canada Under Threat

La version française suit Please forward widely! Friends and Colleagues, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), the federal institution responsible for preserving Canada’s history and cultural heritage, is under threat. Badly conceived restructuring, a redefinition of its mandate, and financial cutbacks are undermining LAC’s ability to acquire, preserve and make publicly available Canada’s full documentary heritage. […]

CAUT to Yamamoto re Bill 18 (2011-11-08)

The Government of British Columbia has introduced legislation that would prohibit any faculty association executive member from being the elected faculty representative on the board of a university, college or institute. Attached is CAUT to Yamamoto re Bill 18 (2011-11-08) protesting this proposed legislation. ———————— Le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique a déposé un projet de […]

Library and Archives Canada

For immediate release Canadian Association of University Teachers launches campaign to Save Library and Archives Canada (OTTAWA: November 2, 2011) – The Canadian Association of University Teachers today unveiled a national campaign to protect Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The “Save Library and Archives Canada” is being launched by CAUT in response to funding cuts […]


Emergency! We need to Save NSCAD! Howard Windsor, a former Policy Analyst with Labour and Advanced Education for the province of Nova Scotia, has been appointed by the Minister of Advanced Education to examine the future of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University (NSCAD). He has carte blanche to consider any reorganization […]

Voices-Voix Coalition

Greetings, CAUT is a member of the Voices-Voix Coalition [http://voices-voix.ca/] which is a  is a non-partisan coalition of Canadian organizations and individuals defending democratic rights to free speech, transparency and equality. There are over 200 member organizations. One of the Voices-Voix projects is gathering information about organizations, individuals and institutions involved in education and research that have lost funding […]

CAUT – Owners of copyrighted material

There has been a good deal of controversy and conflicting advice regarding when copyrighted material may be copied without permission or payment to the copyright owner. CAUT is concerned that both users and owners of copyrighted material are treated fairly. To that end, CAUT has prepared the attached document: Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted […]

CAUT Professional Officer Agent(e) professionnel(le) de l’ACPPU

La version française suit Canadian Association of University Teachers Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université Professional Officer CAUT is seeking to fill the position of Professional Officer. Responsibilities Reports to senior management Provides professional expertise in the areas of academic freedom, research, public policy, and collective bargaining Duties Research and writing for CAUT publications […]

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