CAUT Equity networks / Réseaux d’équité de l’ACPPU

Memorandum 15:06   To:              Presidents and Administrative Officers, Local, Provincial and Federated Associations   From:        Audrey Kobayashi and Jacqueline Holler, Equity Committee Co-Chairs   Re:             CAUT Equity Networks   As co-chairs of the new CAUT Standing Committee on Equity, we are delighted to update you on the committee’s activities. We met for the first time […]

Call for Nominations for Chair of Librarians’ and Archivists’ Committee

Memorandum 15:04   To:              Presidents, Local, Federated and Provincial Associations CAUT Executive Committee   From:        Ted Montgomery, Chair, Elections and Resolutions Committee         Due to a resignation, there is a vacancy for the position of Chair of the CAUT Librarians’ and Archivists’ Committee.   A nominee for the position of chair of […]

Call to action: It’s time to reinstate the long-form Census / Appel à l’action : il est temps de rétablir le long questionnaire du recensement

Call to action: It’s time to reinstate the long-form Census   The Canadian Association of University Teachers, along with other public interest groups, has released a joint statement urging the federal government to support Bill C-626 to bring back the long-form Census.   The mandatory long-form census, eliminated in 2011, was a critical source of […]

2nd Call for Members for CAUT’s Standing Committees / 2e appel pour candidatures à des postes de membres des comités permanents de l’ACPPU

** La version française suit **   Second Call for Members for CAUT’s Standing Committees    We are asking member associations for assistance in identifying potential members for CAUT’s standing committees.  We welcome names of CAUT individual affiliated or associate members you feel would be interested and who would bring expertise to the work of […]

CAUT Legal Advisory – Personal Health Information Protection (2015-01)

January / janvier 2015 Many jurisdictions in Canada now have laws that specifically protect personal health information. The attached CAUT Legal Advisory identifies current and emerging issues related to the protection of health information in the employment context, provides an overview of the status of current laws across the country, and identifies policies which may […]

Urgent Action Appeal: Protest the abduction and assassination of Mexican students Urgent Action Appeal: Protest the abduction and assassination of Mexican students The Canadian Association of University Teachers is urging members to sign an open letter protesting the kidnapping and assassination of college students by police in Guerrero, Mexico. “The Federal Attorney General of Mexico must launch a prompt, full and impartial investigation into […]

From: Chantal Sundaram [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: July 14, 2014 5:04 PM To: CAUT Defence Fund Associations Subject: CAUT Defence Fund President position / Poste de Président/Présidente de la société, Caisse de défense de l’ACPPU Importance: High   Dear Member Unions and Trustees,   I am writing to inform you that the position of President of the […]

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