Call for Nominations for CAUT Distinguished Academic Award / Appel de candidatures pour le Prix d’excellence académique de l’ACPPU

Memorandum 16:13 Date:    May 13, 2016 To:         Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Provincial and Federated Associations From:   David Robinson, Executive Director Re:         Call for Nominations for CAUT Distinguished Academic Award CAUT is soliciting nominations for the 2016–17 CAUT Distinguished Academic Award. The Award is given annually to recognize an academic who has excelled in each […]

REMINDER: Call for Nominations for CAUT Academic Librarians’ and Archivists’ Distinguished Service Award / RAPPEL : Appel de candidatures pour le Prix des bibliothécaires et des archivistes pour services émérites de l’ACPPU

CAUT is soliciting nominations for the CAUT Academic Librarians’ and Archivists’ Distinguished Service Award. The Award was established in 1994 to recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the status and/or working conditions of academic librarians and archivists at Canadian universities and colleges.   Criteria   Candidates may be either current or former academic librarians […]

Have you always wondered what happens at the bargaining table, but were afraid to ask?

Now is your chance to find out! Chantal Sundaram from CAUT is coming to Laurier to run a two-day bargaining workshop for the contract faculty negotiating team and we are inviting interested full-time and CAS members to participate. (Full-time Members: Your Collective Agreement expires on June 30, 2017 and WLUFA will soon be putting together […]

Asbestos in the Workplace / L’amiante en milieu de travail

** La version française suit **   Memorandum 16:08   Date:  March 23, 2016   To:  Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Provincial and Federated Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re: Asbestos in the Workplace As recent media reports have highlighted, asbestos continues to pose a significant hazard in many buildings and workplaces, […]

CAUT Statement Regarding the 2016/2017 Federal Budget / Déclaration de l’ACPPU concernant le budget fédéral de 2016-2017

February / Février 2016 Investing in Canada’s Knowledge Infrastructure CAUT Statement Regarding the 2016/2017 Federal Budget After years of austerity measures and attacks against science and scientists, Canada needs a new vision to get science right and improve accessibility and quality of post-secondary education. In its 2016-2017 pre-budget submission, CAUT recommends the federal government invest […]

Bill C-377: Reporting requirements for unions and labour trusts / Loi C-377 : obligations de déclaration pour les syndicats et les fiducies de syndicat

Memorandum 16:01   Date:  January 7, 2016   To:  Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Provincial and Federated Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  Bill C-377: Reporting requirements for unions and labour trusts             On Monday, December 21, 2015, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, announced […]

Call for Nominations for Donald C. Savage Award / Appel de candidatures pour le Prix Donald-C.-Savage

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 15:39   Date: December 18, 2015   To: Presidents and Administrative Officers – Local, Federated and Provincial Associations   From: David Robinson, Executive Director   Re: Call for Nominations for Donald C. Savage Award     CAUT is soliciting nominations for the Donald C. Savage Award. The Donald […]

Call for Nominations for the CAUT Equity Award / Appel de candidatures pour le Prix pour l’équité de l’ACPPU

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 15:40   Date: December 18, 2015   To: Presidents and Administrative Officers – Local, Federated and Provincial Associations   From: David Robinson, Executive Director   Re: Call for Nominations for the CAUT Equity Award     CAUT is soliciting nominations for the CAUT Equity Award. The CAUT Equity […]

CAUT supports Carleton U prof’s refusal to sign away his academic freedom / L’ACPPU appuie le professeur Root Gorelick

  (Ottawa – December 14, 2015) The Canadian Association of University Teachers supports Professor Root Gorelick’s decision to refuse to sign an agreement that would prevent him from speaking publicly about open sessions of Carleton University board meetings.   “We applaud and support Professor Gorelick’s principled decision to resist pressure to suppress his academic freedom […]

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