
  1FT - Steps for Tenure & Promotion, Promotion to ProfessorFT - Steps for Tenure & Promotion, Promotion to ProfessorMember's list of referees in accordance to 15.4.6 for Tenure and Promotion, or 15.4.7, for Promotion to Professor 2 3 4 5CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)Notice to Member ( CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)Notice to Member ( 6
7 8 9 10CF - Grant Seniority Status ( (a)CF - Grant Seniority Status ( (a)Dean's decision to grant/deny seniority to Member ( 11 12 13
14 15CF - Letters of AppointmentCF - Letters of Appointment(13.8.2) Appointments shall be made by the appropriate Dean on the recommendation of the PTAC. Subject to 13.8.2, the appropriate Dean shall make the offer of appointment to the successful candidate no later than July 15 for Fall term appointments, no later than July 30 for Winter term appointments, and no later than November 15 for Winter term appointments for courses that became available after June 1, and no later than March 15 for Spring term, intersession and summer session appointments. 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)Meeting with the Dean on or before CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)Professional Development Evaluation completed by 26 27
28 29 30CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)Report to Member and PTAC CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)Report to Member and PTAC CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)CF - Meeting with the Dean ( (b)Report to Member and PTAC CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)CF - Professional Development Evaluation ( (c)Report to Member and PTAC 31      
 Contract Faculty/PT Librarians
 Full-Time Faculty/Librarians
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