Dear colleagues, This is a reminder that we are asking all members to endorse OCUFA’s pledge for candidates in the upcoming federal election, seeking their support for legislative action on CCAA and BIA. As noted before, the pledge asks the candidates to commit to amending the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act […]
Let’s protect our public institutions from the CCAA and BIA
Hi Colleague, When Laurentian University filed for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), it became the first public university in Canada to do so. Let’s make sure it is also the last. I’m writing you today, in the middle of a federal election, to ask you to join me in making sure that […]
Federal Election Organizing Guide and Website / Guide et site Web sur la mobilisation en vue des élections fédérales
** La version française suit ** Memorandum 21:48 Date: August 26, 2021 To: Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Federated and Provincial Associations From: David Robinson, Executive Director Re: Federal Election Organizing Guide and Website Canadians will head to the polls on September 20. CAUT’s For Our Futurecampaign is an issue-based and non-partisan campaign calling for increased investments in post-secondary education and research […]
REMINDER: New Post-Secondary Mental Health Standard: Impacts on Students and Academic Workers (Webinar) / RAPPEL : Nouvelle Norme sur la santé mentale des étudiants du postsecondaire : Impact sur les étudiants et le personnel académiqu…
On October 7, 2020, the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students was launched. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the standard is “a set of flexible, voluntary guidelines to help post-secondary institutions support the mental health and well-being of their students.” While the development of this standard began well in […]
WLUFA Statement on Mandatory Vaccinations
WLUFA Statement on Vaccinations and Return to Campus The WLUFA Executive is encouraged by the Wilfrid Laurier University administration’s recent decision to require all students, faculty, librarians and staff to be fully vaccinated with an approved COVID-19 vaccine upon return to in-person activities on campus this fall. Vaccination against COVID-19 coupled with other mitigation strategies […]
New Post-Secondary Mental Health Standard – Impacts on Students and Academic Workers (Webinar) / Nouvelle Norme sur la santé mentale des étudiants du postsecondaire – Impact sur les étudiants et le personnel académique
Memorandum 21:44 Date: August 12, 2021 To: Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Federated and Provincial Associations From: David Robinson, Executive Director Re: New Post-Secondary Mental Health Standard: Impacts on Students and Academic Workers (Webinar) On October 7, 2020, the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students was launched. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, […]
Legal Considerations for Mandatory Vaccine Policies / Considérations juridiques entourant les politiques de vaccination obligatoire
** La version française suit ** Memorandum 21:41 Date: July 26, 2021 To: Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local and Federated Associations From: David Robinson, Executive Director Re: Legal Considerations for Mandatory Vaccine Policies As institutions announce reopening plans for the Fall semester, questions have arisen about whether universities and colleges can legally mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for staff and students. Everyone […]
OCUFA Report – Trent professor Sue Wurtele appointed OCUFA President
Note 2140 Postes vacants au Comité des francophones de l’ACPPU / Vacancies on CAUT Francophones’ Committee
Note 21:40 Date : 21 juillet 2021 Destinataires : Présidents et agents administratifs; Associations locales, provinciales et fédérées Expéditeur : David Robinson, directeur général Objet : Postes vacants au Comité des francophones de l’ACPPU Le Comité de direction de l’ACPPU a besoin de votre aide afin de pourvoir trois vacances au sein du Comité des francophones pour une période de […]
NSERC National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships / Lignes directrices sur la sécurité nationale pour les partenariats de recherche du CRSNG
** La version française suit ** Memorandum 21:39 Date: July 15, 2021 To: Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Federated, and Provincial Associations From: David Robinson, Executive Director Re: NSERC National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships On July 12, the Government of Canada introduced the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships that will, effective immediately, require applicants and their institutions to complete […]