Government’s imposition of compensation freeze legislation on the university sector

Dear Colleagues; Attached [posted below this statement], please find our response to the government’s imposition of compensation freeze legislation on the university sector. In the coming weeks, we will be working with other unions, sympathetic politicians, and the media to fight the proposed legislation. We will also be looking at ways to engage faculty across […]

Issue of Ontario government compensation legislation

Dear Colleagues: As many of you may have heard, the Ontario government has stated that it intends to introduce legislation that will freeze compensation for employees in the Broader Public Sector. This follows legislation that was passed yesterday, with the support of the governing Liberals and Progressive Conservatives, freezing compensation for teachers and banning strikes […]

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Dear Colleagues; Today, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a paper exploring the relative affordability of higher education across Canada. Not surprisingly, it finds that Ontario’s high tuition fees makes it one of least affordable provinces to go to school. The complete report can be found at: The paper was commissioned by the […]

Labour Day activities

TO: Presidents and Administrative Officers Local and Federated Associations FROM: James L. Turk, Executive Director RE: Labour Day – September 3, 2012 Across the country, labour rights are under attack, as are social justice, environmental protections, equity, and democratic practices. This September 3rd on Canada’s 139th Labour Day, CAUT member associations are called upon to […]

Quebec Student Protest and Government response

Salutations, Please see attached memo (12 20 Quebec Student Protest and Government response (2012-05-24)) detailing CAUT’s response to the efforts of student groups in Quebec in fighting tuition increases as well as our condemnation of the Charest government’s Bill 78. ___________________________________________________ Voir la note ci-jointe exposant (12 20 Mouvement de protestation étudiante au Québec et […]

CAUT Communique – Quebec

Salutations, Please see the attached communique (2012.05.23 CAUT Communique – Quebec) that CAUT issued today regarding the protests in Quebec. S’il vous plaît voir le communiqué (2012.05.23 ACPPU Communique – Quebec) ci-joint émis par l’ACPPU aujourd’hui au sujet des protestations au Québec. James L. Turk Executive Director/Directeur général Canadian Association of University Teachers/ Association canadienne […]

Quebec special law violates student rights and civil liberties

Greetings, Attached (Release – Quebec special law violates student rights and civil liberties – May18 2012) is CAUT’s statement on the law introduced in the Quebec National Assembly to stop the student strike. You will find statements from other organizations at the links below: Quebec Bar Association (Globe and Mail article in English) […]

International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia: CAUT Statement

La version française suivra International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia: CAUT Statement (May 17, 2012) On the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Canadian Association of University Teachers recognizes the work of tireless activists working to combat discrimination and violence against gay, lesbian, trans, bisexual, two-spirited, and queer communities. The eradication of homophobia and […]

OCUFA Faculty Survey

Dear Colleagues; Today, OCUFA release the first batch of results from our latest Faculty Survey. Attached, please find our press release (OCUFA Faculty Survey – Release Part 1 FINAL) and a copy of the report (2012 OCUFA Faculty Survey Part 1 – Formatted – FINAL) . This collection of results focuses on faculty perceptions of […]

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