Note of concern about the Ontario government’s Productivity and Innovation Fund for universities and colleges

Note of concern about the Ontario government’s Productivity and Innovation Fund for universities and colleges Dear Colleagues: As some of you may be aware, the latest instalment of the Ontario government’s “transformational change” agenda for the post-secondary sector is a Productivity and Innovation Fund of $45 million.  [I am attaching the English and French versions […]

OCUFA President Kate Lawson has written an Op-Ed featured on the Huffington Post website

Dear Colleagues; OCUFA President Kate Lawson has written an Op-Ed featured on the Huffington Post website. The article calls for a more balanced understanding of what universities can and should do, and questions those who believe the only role of higher education is job training. The article can be accessed at: Please feel free […]

Letter from OCUFA President Kate Lawson to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Dear Colleagues: Please find attached a letter from OCUFA President Kate Lawson to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada regarding the arrest and imprisonment in Egypt of York University Professor John Greyson and the University of Western Ontario’s  Dr. Tarek Loubani. As you may be aware, CAUT and a number of faculty associations in Ontario […]

2013 CAUT Distinguished Academic Award

CAUT is soliciting nominations for the 2013 CAUT Distinguished Academic Award. The Award is given annually to recognize an academic who has excelled in each of the three principal aspects of academic life: teaching, research, and service to the institution and to the community. The recipient will be an individual whose teaching, research and service […]

Minister Moore and opposition critics

Greetings,   We want to thank the many of you who have written to Minister Moore and opposition critics about the secret agreement to outsource digitization of Library and Archives (LAC) material to the consortium   Our concerns about the project have been several:   (1) This whole arrangement was negotiated in secret without […]

Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

Dear Colleagues: Attached you will find an update on Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) issues prepared by Cathy Lace and Emma Phillips, counsel with Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell (SGM).  As you may recall,  OCUFA initially put together briefing and other materials related to the inclusion of Ontario universities under the requirements of […]

CAUT Statement on the International Day against Homophobia & Transphobia

On May 17, the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Canadian Association of University Teachers recognizes those who have worked tirelessly to combat discrimination, harassment and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, queer and two-spirited (LGBTQ2S) communities. The eradication of homophobia and transphobia is crucial for the realization of an equitable and just society. […]

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