The ICLMG among groups fighting for rights of Canadian professor Hassan Diab

The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) is a national, non-partisan, independent coalition of Canadian organizations (NGOs, unions, professional associations, faith groups, environmental organizations, human rights and civil liberties advocates), including the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) ( The ICLMG ( fights to defend the civil liberties and human rights laid out in the […]

HAWKstarter campaign for the Indigenous Knowledge Fund

The following message was sent to Members on behalf of the WLUFA Diversity and Equity Committee to inform our members of a potential opportunity to assist with ongoing Indigenization efforts at Laurier by considering a contribution to the Indigenous Knowledge Fund (IKF). “As part of Laurier’s Indigenization efforts, the IKF was created to support students learning directly […]

Call for nominations of the annual OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS 44th ANNUAL OCUFA TEACHING AWARDS OCUFA ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP AWARD FOR 2016-2017 Deadline for receipt of nominations: May 26, 2017   PROGRAM   Each year OCUFA recognizes outstanding teachers and academic librarians in Ontario universities through its Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards. Since 1973 OCUFA has presented 426 awards. The recipients are selected […]

Let’s talk about WLUFA’s letter denouncing Trump and supporting the Muslim Community

Dear Members, WLUFA has received a number of passionate and eloquent responses (positive and negative) to the statement that we posted yesterday that expressed solidarity with the Muslim community and denounced Trump’s Executive Order. As one faculty member noted in an email, “The Academy, first and foremost, is a place to have invigorated, passionate, and […]

Nominations for the 2015-16 OCUFA Service Award – due April 3, 2017 –First Notice

Dear Colleagues: The OCUFA Service Award was established six years ago to honour individuals who have done, or continue to do, exceptional work on behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and its Members. Up to six awards may be given each year and are presented during OCUFA’s Annual General Meeting,  which will be […]

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