Eyes on IPRM

Update: As most of us are aware, the University has been holding workshops in order to familiarize staff and faculty with the Integrated Planning and Resource Management initiative, an extensive evaluation of the University, its resources and its programs. At the end of these workshops, four teams will be assembled in order to carry out […]

General Meeting on June 8th

Greetings, The WLUFA Executive has been petitioned by members of the Association to hold a General Meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Integrated Planning and Resource Management Initiative. This is a topic of concern to our Members and the Executive Committee encourages you to attend and have your say in the […]

WLUFA General Meeting

Greetings, WLUFA has been petitioned by 21 members of the Association to hold a General Meeting of the membership to discuss items on the attached agenda. This meeting will be held on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. in Room SBE2250 Schlegel Centre. Our apologies to Brantford members, but due to the lack of […]

Voting Results for 2012/2013 WLUFA Executive Committee

WLUFA would like to thank all members who allowed their names stand for election to the Executive Committee. The following are the voting results for the WLUFA nominees for Executive Committee Members as listed: WLUFA Nominees 2012/2013 WLUFA Executive Committee William Salatka – Full-time (SBE) ELECTED Stephen Wenn – Full-time (Faculty of Science) ELECTED James […]

Balsillie School

Articles and letters regarding the Balsillie School: Jim Turk’s OpEd in the Record: http://www.therecord.com/opinion/columns/article/690311–universities-must-serve-the-public-interest-not-private-ones Kathie Cameron and Judy Bate’s First Letter to the Record: http://www.therecord.com/opinion/letters/article/692373–flaws-remain-in-governance-document Kathie Cameron and Judy Bate’s Second Letter to the Record: http://www.therecord.com/opinion/letters/article/702973–maintaining-integrity Letter from Gus Van Harten and Stepan Wood, York Professors: http://www.therecord.com/opinion/columns/article/701009–york-university-did-the-right-thing-in-cancelling-cigi-deal Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School of York […]

Wlufa Annual General Meeting

The following is posted on behalf of the WLUFA Executive Committee: WLUFA is very pleased to announce that this year James Turk, Executive Director of CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers), will speak at the AGM on issues of Academic Freedom and Governance. The WLUFA Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 19, […]

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