We Teach Ontario

Teaching and research are the heart of our universities. Together, they help students learn more and learn better. Together, teaching and research kick-start economies, build thriving communities, and improve lives. Every day, Ontario’s professors and academic librarians connect teaching and research to make real, positive change. Watch their stories. Share the videos. Help keep teaching […]

WLUFA Advocate

Dear Colleagues, In our second issue, two of our colleagues, who were recipients of the OCUFA Teaching Awards this year, offer a synopsis of their approaches to teaching – I hope you find them as illuminating as I did. We also have the first installment of a two-part feature on ‘bullying and incivility’ in the […]


Building community through dialogue, discussion and debate Here is the first in our new series of newsletters which we hope you will find informative and an enjoyable read. Much of this first newsletter will be devoted to addressing issues around the Integrated Planning and Resource Man-agement (IPRM) initiative. Click here to read more…

WLUFA Passes Motion on the IPRM Process

Motion: It is WLUFA’s position that Senate is the sole decision-making body regarding academic matters at the University.  Furthermore, in keeping with the principle governing composition of Senate; it is the position of the Association that committees with input into academic decisions must be comprised of a majority of faculty and academic librarians, freely nominated […]

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