CAS & University Faculty Council (UFC) Meeting on Thursday March 26th

The following is sent on behalf of the WLUFA Communications Committee. Yesterday an email was sent informing you of a special University Faculty Council (UFC) meeting to be held on Thursday March 26th, 4:30-6:30 in Senate & Board Chamber (Waterloo) and connected by 2-way video link to Research & Academic Centre, RCW-202 (Brantford). This meeting […]

Layoff Poster 1

The Communications Committee suggests that faculty members hang the posters on their doors, instead of walls, as they are less likely to be taken down. There are a few larger posters that have been sent to your mailroom. We ask that faculty members post these on their departmental bulletin boards, or other appropriate places.

Highlights of Recent Changes to the TFWP / Points saillants des modifications apportées dernièrement au PTET

Highlights of Recent Changes to the TFWP In June 2014, the Federal government announced multiples changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), such as the need to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and the obligation to provide a transition plan to reduce reliance on the TFWP. In February 2015, the AUCC and […]

Ratification Results

Greetings,   On behalf of Rob Kristofferson, WLUFA President, WLUFA is pleased to announce that the Full-time Collective Agreement has been ratified.  WLUFA thanks all those who participated in the vote and expressed their support for the Negotiating Team.   The next step is for the Board of Governors to ratify the agreement.  Once this […]

Announcement of WLUFA President

The following is sent on behalf of the WLUFA Nominations & Election Committee. Greetings, The Nominations & Elections Committee received one nomination for President, therefore we are pleased to announce that Michele Kramer, English & Film Studies, has been acclaimed as WLUFA President for 2015/2016. Congratulations Michele! WLUFA Nominations & Elections Committee

CAUT Response to Industry Canada’s 2014 S&T Strategy / Réponse de l’ACPPU à la stratégie d’Industrie Canada en matière de S et T – 2014

  In December 2014, the Federal government released its science, technology and innovation strategy and launched the Canada First Excellence Research Fund (CFERF). The attached CAUT Response to Industry Canada’s 2014 S&T Strategy looks at the implications of the proposed policy on academic research and on research and development performed in Canada, and proposes a […]


Dear Members , About 24 hours ago WLUFA began receiving reports from our Members that the Administration had initiated a round of layoffs across the University. I was “officially” informed of this through a telephone call from Human Resources late yesterday afternoon. I note now, too, the President has posted a release to the university […]

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