CAUT Librarian Salary and Academic Status Survey 2014 / Enquête sur les salaires et le statut académique des bibliothécaires 2014

Memorandum 15:10   Date:         April 1, 2015   To:              Presidents and Administrative Officers, Local and Federated Associations   From:        Sylvain Schetagne, Associate Executive Director (Research and Political Action)   Re:             CAUT Librarian Salary and Academic Status Survey 2014     CAUT is pleased to announce the release of the Part 1 report […]

Members’ Comments on Layoffs and the Open Letter

When University Presidents craft open letters to their respective University communities two motivations are possible.  First, when a University has something to celebrate, whether it is the accomplishments of its faculty and students or the dedicated work of its staff, its President will sometimes prepare such a letter for mass distribution.  These messages are easy […]

University Financial Review

The following is sent on behalf of the WLUFA Executive Committee   Greetings,   This is to inform you that WLUFA Executive Committee has received an offer from the University Administration for a third party review of the University’s finances.  The Executive has provisionally accepted this offer, subject to a definition of its terms and […]

University Finance Reports Now Available On-line / Rapports financiers des universités accessibles en ligne

Memorandum 15:08   To:          Presidents and Administrative Officers, Local and Federated Associations   From:    Sylvain Schetagne, Associate Executive Director, Research & Political Action   Since 1999, CAUT has distributed to our local associations annual financial reports for Canadian universities, derived from data provided by Statistics Canada and the Canadian Association of University Business Officers […]

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