Letter from OCUFA President Judy Bates

Dear Colleagues:   Please find attached and below a letter from OCUFA’s new President Judy Bates.   Best regards, Mark ——————————————————– Mark Rosenfeld, Ph.D Executive Director Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations 17 Isabella Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1M7 Tel: 416-979-2117 x229 Fax: 416-593-5607 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ocufa.on.ca www.academicmatters.ca www.weteachontario.ca   July 14, 2015 […]

Reminder: WLUFA Constitutional Review Committee: Call for Volunteers

Dear Colleagues, In April, a motion that suggested changes to the WLUFA Constitution was tabled at the WLUFA AGM. The Executive Committee has carefully reviewed this motion and agrees that the best way to move forward with Constitutional changes would be through a Constitutional Review Committee. In order to ensure a balanced view of our […]

Online Learning

Hello!   This is directed to any Contract Faculty Members who have taught any online learning courses in the recent past. If you have not done any online teaching, please disregard this message.   WLUFA has serious concerns about violations of our Members’ academic freedom rights and we’d like to hear from you if you […]

Precarity Penalty Report

The Precarity Penalty, a newly released report on poverty and precarious jobs confirms the sad reality that more and more people in southern Ontario are joining the ranks of the working poor. Universities have traditionally been places for good – that is relatively secure and well paying – jobs. No more. They are very much […]

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