22.3.3 For the purpose of defining “under-representation” by gender and for the reports on the composition of academic units and sub-units under 22.3.2, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) the Bilateral University-Association Employment Equity Committee, under 22.5, shall review the Statistics Canada data and determine how it is to be applied to academic units and sub-units, as defined under (b) below;
(b) where possible, the assessment of “under-representation” shall be based on the composition of academic sub-units, and for this purpose Areas in the Department of Business shall be treated as academic sub-units; for the Faculties of Education, Music and Social Work, the assessment of “under-representation” shall be the academic unit;
(c) where Statistics Canada data for an academic unit or sub-unit under (b) above is available and applicable, under-representation by gender shall be deemed to exist when the number of female faculty members of an academic unit or sub-unit is two(2) standard deviations below the five-year running mean of the number of female doctoral candidates in the discipline (as reported by Statistics Canada);
(d) where Statistics Canada data for an academic unit or sub-unit under (b) above is not available or not applicable, “under-representation” by gender exists when fewer than 40% of the tenured or tenure-track appointments are held by women;
(e) where Statistics Canada data is available and applicable, under-representation by gender shall be deemed to exist when Librarian Members of one gender constitute a smaller proportion of the membership than exists in the pool of students (as reported by Statistics Canada) in graduate degree programs of librarianship in Canada;
(f) the Bilateral University-Association Employment Equity Committee shall conduct an annual review of Statistics Canada data under this Article, and shall issue a report providing the requisite information under 22.3.2 to the Vice-President: Academic and the Association by September 1 of each contract year.