A Member’s assigned teaching load may be increased from the norm under as follows:
(a) the assigned teaching load may be five (5) one-term courses or equivalent, when such an increase is justified by a Member’s total contributions in teaching, research and scholarly activities, and academic, professional and University community services under 18.1, 18.2.5, 18.2.6. and 18.4.2.
(b) in the Faculty of Music, the assigned teaching load shall be no more than 15 contact hours per week where a Member’s teaching load includes studio teaching, including Master classes and directing ensembles.
(c) in exceptional cases, and apart from assigned teaching loads under, a Member may be assigned to teach six (6) one-term courses in an academic year. In such cases the Dean shall, by May 15, notify the Member in writing with a statement of reasons for the assignment of six one-term courses or equivalent, with a copy to the Association. The Member’s increased teaching load shall be assigned for no longer than one academic year, and shall be subject to review by the Dean before assigning six one-term courses in any subsequent year.
Any assessment of performance in teaching, scholarship and service of a Member whose teaching load is in accordance with this clause shall recognize the Member’s additional contribution in teaching.