28.8 Research Funds:
28.8.1 Effective September 1 of each contract year, an annual fund of $30,000 shall be made available to assist CAS and Librarian Members with the cost of scholarship, research, and creative activities related to a Member’s responsibilities under Articles 16 or 17, as appropriate. Funds will be available for research-related expenses including but not limited to travel to scholarly conferences for the presentation of papers, for the employment of research assistants, and for other costs directly related to a Member’s research. The application procedure and conditions of a grant under this clause are as follows:
(a) Members apply for research funds in writing to the Vice-President: Research, copied to the Vice-President: Academic, Department Chair, and the Dean or University Librarian as appropriate. An application for research funds shall include a summary of the scholarly, research, creative or professional development project; the purpose for which funds are needed; the relationship of the project to the Member’s teaching and/or professional responsibilities, if applicable; a budget; and the date for the conclusion of the project;
(b) the Vice-President: Research and Dean or University Librarian as appropriate shall make a recommendation on the application to the Vice-President: Academic;
(c) the maximum grant under this fund is $1,500 and the minimum award is for $500 unless the Member requests a lesser amount;
(d) any award of research funds shall be concluded on or before the termination of a Member’s appointment or within twelve (12) months of the award whichever comes first. Any unspent monies shall be made available to other applicants under this Research Provision. On the request of the Member, the Vice-President: Academic may extend the period of a research award, but in no case shall the award be for a period longer than twelve (12) months.
28.8.2 By September 15, the Vice-President: Academic shall report to the Association on the research funds under 28.8.1 with the names of the applicants and the amounts requested; the names of the recipients and the amount awarded to each recipient in the previous contract year. Any unspent monies shall be added to the research fund available in the following year to a maximum fund of $35,000 per academic year.