Waterloo Women’s Faculty Colleague

Dear Colleagues,


As your Waterloo Women’s Faculty Colleague, my role includes providing opportunities for women-identified faculty to get together in the spirit of collegiality and learning.


I have been holding regular drop in times at Byte75 on Mondays from 9am-10am.  This has been both fun and informative, but perhaps unsurprisingly most of the people attending have been from the Lazaridis School, most of whom I already know.  So it’s time to branch out.


After a hiatus due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I will move the drop in to Veritas – same time, Monday mornings, 9am-10am.  Hopefully this means I’ll get to meet some new people – or at the very least some people I don’t get to see very often.  If you want to stop by for a chat, but are worried about not recognizing me, I’ll be the one with my knitting.

And a quick Hold the Date: October 31, roughly 3-5pm for a kick off meet and greet with refreshments provided.  Details to follow.

In the meantime, please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions, issues you want raised, or ideas for learning opportunities or activities for the year ahead.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,


Christine Neill
Associate Professor, Economics

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