In the midst of these discouraging and alienating circumstances it seems a bit perverse to welcome everyone back to the Fall term. But here we are, so a heartfelt welcome to friends, colleagues and new members!
Normally, WLUFA hosts a Fall Term Social, but as we’re sure you all understand it is being cancelled due to COVID-19. Also cancelled will be the end of term Dinner and the Annual Kids’ Party.
When we can meet again in person, we’ll party to beat the band.
David Monod (WLUFA President) will be sending you an update on Association activities later this week.
In the meantime, do remember to contact WLUFA if you have concerns and would like advice. In particular, given the unpredictable impact of the pandemic, if you become ill, or are called on to replace a faculty member who has, do get in touch with the WLUFA office. We’re here to help.
Wishing you good health!