Sent on behalf of David Monod, WLUFA President:
Because of the cancellation of all events and face-to-face instruction on all Laurier campuses, we have been considering how to move forward with WLUFA’s obligations. Please see the information provided below.
WLUFA staff will be working from home until further notice. They will have full access to email, and they will be checking their voicemail messages regularly. Responses may be somewhat delayed despite their best efforts, however, so bear that in mind. If you require immediate assistance, please email Sheila McKee-Protopapas at [email protected] and mark your message “URGENT”.
Any workshops and committee meetings will either be held via Zoom or cancelled, depending on the preference of the presenter(s) and details will be forthcoming.
If you are scheduled to meet with a WLUFA representative, please email them and provide a telephone number where you can be reached.
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Spring Social, scheduled for Thursday, April 16th from 4:00-6:00 PM.
WLUFA is continuing to monitor the effect of the COVID-19 measures on our members’ work and we will continue to protect your rights under these extraordinary circumstances. You will be notified of any updates as circumstances evolve.