Nominations for the 2015-16 OCUFA Service Award – due April 4, 2016 –Second Notice

Dear Colleagues: The OCUFA Service Award was established five years ago to honour individuals who have done, or continue to do, exceptional work on behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and its Members. Up to six awards may be given each year and are presented during OCUFA’s Annual General Meeting,  which will be […]

2016 Worldviews Annual Lecture on Media and Higher Education — University of Toronto

Dear Colleagues: The second annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Higher Education will feature Rajani Naidoo, Chair in Higher Education Management and Director of the International Centre for Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. Professor Naidoo will deliver a lecture titled, “Beyond the Competition Fetish: Higher Education for Global Wellbeing.” The lecture will […]

CAUT Statement Regarding the 2016/2017 Federal Budget / Déclaration de l’ACPPU concernant le budget fédéral de 2016-2017

February / Février 2016 Investing in Canada’s Knowledge Infrastructure CAUT Statement Regarding the 2016/2017 Federal Budget After years of austerity measures and attacks against science and scientists, Canada needs a new vision to get science right and improve accessibility and quality of post-secondary education. In its 2016-2017 pre-budget submission, CAUT recommends the federal government invest […]

Call for nominations to the OCUFA 2016-17 Executive Committee

Dear Colleagues: Please find attached a memo from OCUFA Board Chair, Brian E. Brown, regarding the call for nominations for the OCUFA 2016-17 Executive Committee.  The elections will take place at the May 7, 2016 OCUFA Board meeting. Best regards, Mark ——————————————————– Mark Rosenfeld, Ph.D Executive Director Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations 17 Isabella […]

REMINDER: Members for CAUT’s Standing Committees / RAPPEL : Candidatures à des postes de membres des comités permanents de l’ACPPU

*** La version française suit ***   Memorandum 16:02   Date:  January 7, 2016   To:  Presidents of Local, Federated and Provincial Associations; CAUT Executive Committee   From:  Robin Vose, President;    James Compton, Vice-President; Wayne D. Peters, Past President; David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  REMINDER: Members for CAUT’s Standing Committees     We […]

Bill C-377: Reporting requirements for unions and labour trusts / Loi C-377 : obligations de déclaration pour les syndicats et les fiducies de syndicat

Memorandum 16:01   Date:  January 7, 2016   To:  Presidents and Administrative Officers; Local, Provincial and Federated Associations   From:  David Robinson, Executive Director   Re:  Bill C-377: Reporting requirements for unions and labour trusts             On Monday, December 21, 2015, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, announced […]

Harry Crowe Foundation Conference – Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Toronto, 26-27 February, 2016

***REMINDER*** From:  David C. Johnson, President,  Harry Crowe Foundation   Re:  Academic Freedom in the Managed University: Conflict, Controversy, and Control   Academic freedom has always faced threats from powerful interests outside the university. Today, developments within our campuses are increasingly limiting the ability of academic staff to exercise their right to speak, teach, and […]

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