CAUT’s 2013 International Women’s Day statement

Greetings, Please find attached the CAUT’s 2013 International Women’s Day statement. The statement is also available on our website at  Feel free to distribute widely via email and other social media networks. The official women’s day twitter handle is @womensday. Please use the following hashtags when tweeting: #womensday, #IWD2013, #cdnpse, and #cdnpoli Regards, Jim […]

Government’s spending goals

Dear Colleagues: On February 19, 2013, new Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne presented her first Speech from the Throne, outlining the priorities of her government. As expected, the speech contained a heavy focus on deficit reduction, economic growth, and employment. The speech signaled that the government will continue to pursue austerity policies, but reflected a softer […]

“Better Learning for Better Jobs”

Dear Colleagues: Following from the email sent on February 19, 2013 regarding the Ontario Conservative Party’s white paper — “Better Learning for Better Jobs”, please find attached OCUFA’s analysis of the white paper, which was released on Tuesday. As noted in the OCUFA analysis, the paper articulates an instrumental vision of higher education in which […]

We Teach Ontario

Teaching and research are the heart of our universities. Together, they help students learn more and learn better. Together, teaching and research kick-start economies, build thriving communities, and improve lives. Every day, Ontario’s professors and academic librarians connect teaching and research to make real, positive change. Watch their stories. Share the videos. Help keep teaching […]

Message from OCUFA President Constance Adamson regarding the Liberal leadership outcome

Hello all, Please see below a message from OCUFA President Constance Adamson regarding the Liberal leadership outcome and what to expect moving forward. Best, Erica Erica Rayment Policy Analyst – Government and Community Relations Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations 83 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5C 1S8 Office: 416-979-2117 x 223 | Mobile: […]

St Francis Xavier Association of University Teachers on strike today

Greetings, Our colleagues in the St Francis Xavier Association of University Teachers (St FXAUT) began went on strike today. The Association represents over 400 members in eight different employee groups engaged in teaching and research at StFX, over one third of whom are on limited-term contracts. Details are available at Please send messages of […]

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