A new tuition framework for Ontario’s higher education institutions

Dear Colleagues: Today, Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities Brad Duguid announced a new tuition framework for Ontario’s higher education institutions. The new policy caps yearly increases for undergraduates at 3 per cent (down from 5 per cent under the previous framework, while graduate and professional fees will increase by 5 per cent (down from […]

Save Library and Archives Canada Update

Save Library and Archives Canada Update – March 2013 LAC gives up on purchased acquisitions of Canadian history In 2009, LAC announced a 10-month moratorium on purchasing acquisitions.  Now, almost four years later, acquisitions have still not resumed.  LAC’s purchased acquisitions – items  of national significance  acquired from private individuals or organizations – constitute  an […]

OCUFA’s 2013 Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs

Dear Colleagues: Please find attached OCUFA’s 2013 Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. The intent of the OCUFA plan outlined in the 2013 Pre-Budget Submission is to enhance the quality and affordability of university education in Ontario by 2020 through increased government investment. It recommendations reflect both the […]

CAUT Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Today the Canadian Association of University Teachers commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination — a day whose origin was on March 21, 1960. That day, people gathered peacefully outside a police station in Sharpeville, South Africa, without their passbooks, to oppose the apartheid regime’s ‘pass laws’ that separated families, limited movement […]

CAUT Analysis of the Federal Budget 2013

Greetings,   Please find attached the CAUT Analysis of the Federal Budget 2013.   _________________________________________________________ Jocelyne Fortier Executive Assistant (Research & Advocacy) / Adjointe de direction (Recherche et promotion des intérêts) CAUT / ACPPU 2705 promenade Queensview Drive Ottawa, ON   K2B 8K2 tel/tél: 613.820.2270 x. 171 fax/téléc: 613.820.7244 email/courriel: [email protected] http://www.caut.ca —

CAUT’s statement on today’s federal budget

CAUT comment on today’s federal budget Attached is CAUT’s statement on today’s federal budget.  While not surprising, the budget is truly disappointing. A more detailed commentary will be sent to you in the next day or so. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Jim James L. Turk // Executive Director / Directeur général // Canadian […]

Code of Conduct

Greetings/Salutations,   Yesterday in the House of Commons, the Minister responsible for Library and Archives Canada distanced himself from the LAC administration and their “Code of Conduct” (more appropriately named “Muzzle for librarians and archivists”).   http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/national/ABCs+behaviour+regulation+federal+librarians+archivists/8122156/story.html   Hier, à la Chambre des communes, le ministre responsable de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada prends ses distances […]

Toronto universities Town Hall Meeting

Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to announce that the upcoming Toronto universities Town Hall Meeting, “Austerity and Ontario’s Universities: Finding a way forward” will be accessible via live webcast on Wednesday. March 27, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  For those associations who have not already held a town hall meeting and would like to […]

“University Presidents – Speak Out!”

Greetings, I want to recommend a superb, disturbing, but all too true article on university presidents. It is published in The Nation and written by Scott Sherman. It is entitled, “University Presidents – Speak Out!: Where are their voices on major issues of the day.”  You will find it at http://www.thenation.com/article/173015/university-presidents-speak-out I feel his characterization […]

“Dale Askey” support statement from Librarians-In-Council

Laurier Librarians of WLUFA support the right of professional librarians to communicate well-founded assessments regarding resources and providers.  Librarians play a key role in contributing judgments on resources in aid of collection development.  These opinions fall under the principle of academic freedom.  Without the freedom to openly discuss and share opinions about academic information products, […]

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