Academia in the Age of Austerity

Dear Colleagues: The theme of OCUFA’s annual conference for January 2013 will be “Academia in the Age of Austerity”.   In light of Ontario government’s “austerity agenda”, including its proposed sweeping anti-labour legislation and agenda for higher education, and in light of other government initiatives across Canada and globally, the OCUFA conference will be addressing […]

Pensions Now and Pension Alternatives Webcasts

Dear Colleagues: The OCUFA Pension webcasts — Pensions Now (held October 16 and 17, 2012) and Pension Alternatives (held October 22 and 23, 2012) —  were recorded and can now be viewed again on the OCUFA website. The link to the webcasts is: To enter, please use the pass code: ocufaPeNsi0n Could you please […]

OCUFA’s Education and Mobilization plan

Dear Colleagues: You will now have heard that this evening (October 15, 2012) Dalton McGuinty resigned as premier and prorogued the Ontario Legislature.  This means that all legislative business comes to a halt and all legislation currently being considered dies on the order paper.  When a new session of the Legislature is eventually convened, it […]


Building community through dialogue, discussion and debate Here is the first in our new series of newsletters which we hope you will find informative and an enjoyable read. Much of this first newsletter will be devoted to addressing issues around the Integrated Planning and Resource Man-agement (IPRM) initiative. Click here to read more…

New framework for university pension plans

Dear Colleagues: As recent headlines attest, the Ontario government appears to be closing in on a new framework for university pension plans in this province.  In order to develop an informed response to government proposals, faculty members need a full understanding of the potentially dramatic impact these government actions could have on their financial futures. […]

Ontario government’s draft labour legislation

Dear Colleagues: A comprehensive summary and analysis of the Ontario government’s draft labour legislation, Protecting Public Services Act 2012 has been prepared for OCUFA by the legal team at Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell.  It focusses in particular on Schedule 2, titled Respecting Collective Bargaining Act (Public Sector), 2012. The summary and analysis can be accessed by […]

WLUFA Passes Motion on the IPRM Process

Motion: It is WLUFA’s position that Senate is the sole decision-making body regarding academic matters at the University.  Furthermore, in keeping with the principle governing composition of Senate; it is the position of the Association that committees with input into academic decisions must be comprised of a majority of faculty and academic librarians, freely nominated […]

OCUFA’s response to the Ministry of Training

Dear Colleagues; This morning, OCUFA released its response to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities discussion paper, Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation and Knowledge. Our submission, titled Growing Ontario’s Universities for the Future, will be officially launched at a Queen’s Park press conference this morning alongside responses from the Canadian Federation of Students, […]

Legislation that will freeze compensation and benefits

Greetings, Yesterday, the Ontario Government brought forward legislation that will freeze compensation and benefits for all those in the broader public sector, including all staff at universities and colleges, for two years. It also imposes a permanent salary cap for all in the public sector and limits the powers of the labour relations board, arbitrators […]

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