CAUT is a member of the Voices-Voix Coalition [] which is a is a non-partisan coalition of Canadian organizations and individuals defending democratic rights to free speech, transparency and equality. There are over 200 member organizations.
One of the Voices-Voix projects is gathering information about organizations, individuals and institutions involved in education and research that have lost funding or other government support after publicly disagreeing with government policies and decisions. The Coalition has assembled this information in the facts section of their web site []. The examples they have so far are an incomplete list .
They would like to make the list as comprehensive as possible. If you know of examples, please complete the attached form and email it to them at [email protected] Please cc a copy to [email protected] You help would be gratefully appreciated.
James L. Turk James L. Turk // Executive Director / Directeur général // Canadian Association of University Teachers / Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université // 2705 promenade Queensview Drive / Ottawa, (Ontario) / K2B 8K2 // tél 613.726-5176 / téléc 613.820-7244 / mobile 613.277-0488 / [email protected] /